Wine 101: Weekend Wines

Posted on January 9th, 2023 | In Products & Education

Well, it's that time of year again. With the holiday season coming to a close, we all find ourselves emerging from the haze of family, holiday parties, Christmas cookies, and grandma’s delicious but not-so-healthy cooking. Now, it’s back to work, back to reality, and back to facing the consequences of our merry indulgences.

Now, I’m not one to buy into the whole “I am going to be a completely different person because the Earth made another rotation around the sun” gamut. However, I am one to use the opportunity to turn inward and reflect on how my everyday decisions affect how I feel and contribute – or don’t– to my long-term goals and overall health and happiness. Small habits done consistently can lead to significant results.

January marks the time for experimenting with new diets, some more extreme than others. Personally, I don’t believe in cold turkey deprivation of foods or beverages often labeled in society as “bad.” Trust me; it never ends well. Been there, done that, never going back. These days I take the approach of moderation and not denying myself something I love. The key is finding ways to enjoy yourself on a smaller scale.

I know many people designate wine as a treat – it certainly is for me – and luckily, there are options out there to help reduce caloric intake without depriving yourself of one of life’s simplest pleasures – good win! Round Barn’s Weekend Wines are the perfect option for a healthier, guilt-free alternative. Created with moderation in mind, our Weekend Wines have only 100 calories per serving and come in at a much lower ABV than a standard glass of wine – 6% compared to around 12%- making it a guilt-free indulgence. In addition, the line-up includes a white, rosé, and red blend option, all of which are fruity, refreshing, and semi-sweet.

Better choices don't have to be complicated and don’t have to be so drastic that they are unsustainable. Going into the New Year with the mindset of making minor changes to care for your health is the key to success. The key is being intentional with your choices, like pouring yourself a glass of one of our Weekend Wines!